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PPC Spotlight: Gina Lantz

Name: Gina Lantz

Company: Gina Lantz Photography

Location: Thornton, CO

Member of PPC how long? 3 years

Do you have a photography niche? Portraits, High School Seniors, Headshots

How did you get involved in photography? I’ve been a graphic designer for 30+ years, and needed some photos to go in my designs. I tried photographing stuff and it didn’t look like it did in my head, so I thought well I need to take some photography classes. After a few classes and a few creative lives, I discovered that I like to photograph people. I really enjoy the connection with people and getting to know who they are and how they like to be photographed.

Your favorite “go-to” lens and why? 24-105mm and 70-200mm at the moment

What’s the greatest advice you have been given about this industry? Practice, continue to learn, practice some more and learn business skills.

What do you consider your greatest achievement (photography or non-photography wise)? My kids becoming successful adults, and getting my Certified Professional Photographer certification.

Name a photographer who inspires you: Sue Bryce, Tara Rochelle, Amanda Holloway, Craig Lamere, Craig Stidham. I have many!

Gina Lantz Photography


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